Donald L. Philippi, In Memorium
by an unknown photographer
Don was one of the first people I knew who used a word processor in his work, before personal computers became popular, and he was still using it when I conducted these interviews. He had an IBM Display Writer and a huge printer, both which at the time seemed like very expensive and complicated contraptions. In a prelude to email interviews, which have become very common today, we conducted a real-time musical chair version of the same. In other words, I would sit in the chair in his office and type a question. He would stand behind me watching and reading, and then we would change places. I can still remember Don, who could type faster and more accurately than any one I knew (and produce text that looked like it had been carefully edited), cackling with glee when something struck his fancy, or when he thought it wickedly clever. For those who are interested in his research on the Ainu and also on the Kakumaru radical group, his manuscripts and research materials have been donated to the East Asian Library in the University of California, Berkeley, as has his extensive personal library. Most of his Technical Japanese Translation newsletters have also been archived and made available through Waseda University, in Tokyo.
Click on the links below to read Don's obituary, and my interview with him.