Frederik L. Schodt | フレデリック・L・ショット

Unsung Hero: Ranald MacDonald Story



nsung Hero: Ranald MacDonald Story, by Atsumi McCauley, with illustrations by Mariko King, is a lovely illustrated book about the young adventurer, Ranald MacDonald, who risked his life to enter Japan in 1848, when it was still closed to the outside world. He taught English to Japanese government interpreters in Nagasaki and indirectly helped Japan modernise. Published in 2008, the book is ideal for young students of history, and fans of illustration. It is a bi-lingual edition, with Japanese and English text and full page illustrations on opposing pages. Page size is 8½X11". ISBN No. 978-1-60643-026-2

Unsung Hero F Unsung Hero B

It is available for purchase directly, by check or money order, from the author, at the following address: 

Unsung Hero / C/O Atsumi McCauley, 3712 East Pine Ct., Mead, Washington, U.S.A., 99021

For those ordering from Japan, the cost is 2000 yen per book, which includes airmail and shipping and handling. 
For those ordering from within the United States, the cost is $14.00, which includes shipping & handling.'